number 6
I cannibalized (more like I aided another machine in the cannibalization of this. If I had cannibalized it, I would be a machine myself) this to make something far cooler. So you can't buy it.Haven't posted in a while. Mainly cause I ran out of toy keyboards to bend. I do have number six ready, or as ready as it will probably ever be. I haven't recorded anything off it, and its not for sale right now, mainly because it is too insane! take a look see.
The yellow wires go into one side of a potentiometer, while the red go into the other. It isn't really set up well, its hard to manipulate, and the holes on the yellow connectors are too small, but you can gat some pretty neat bends off it.
My favorites include :
1) Turning the melody off of demo songs. You press the button for the song of your choice, then turn the pot down and back up, and all you have is the drum beat. turn the pot back down and up, and the melody is back. Neat.
2) Custom compositions. In this setting, if you press a key, or perhaps song, I don't remember, it will play a drum beat, but make up its own melody. Actually it plays random notes, but its almost in time with the beat, and sometimes it sounds cool.
Plus it has normal pitch bends.
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