I'm tired, or bend 9
I cannibalized (more like I aided another machine in the cannibalization of this. If I had cannibalized it, I would be a machine myself) this to make something far cooler. So you can't buy it.
Think you deserve to have this? Click here then.I worked on the lawn mower all day long, and couldn't find the time to finish bend 9 til tonight, but I did finish it, despite the odds.
It is cool, as usual. I believe it was geared to a slightly younger market, as it has no keyboard, and only plays little tunes. Thats ok.
I found the pitch, and you can control that variably. I also found a weird sound, which when combined with the pitch bend, with a little amplification, equals strange. Have a listen:
What I added:
1) A switch to activate the pitch bend
2) A switch to activate the weird bend
3) A potentiometer to control the pitch bend
4) 1/8" output, to sample, amplify, or shape tiny clay cylinders with.
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