I'm tired, or bend 9
I cannibalized (more like I aided another machine in the cannibalization of this. If I had cannibalized it, I would be a machine myself) this to make something far cooler. So you can't buy it.
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I worked on the lawn mower all day long, and couldn't find the time to finish bend 9 til tonight, but I did finish it, despite the odds.
It is cool, as usual. I believe it was geared to a slightly younger market, as it has no keyboard, and only plays little tunes. Thats ok.
I found the pitch, and you can control that variably. I also found a weird sound, which when combined with the pitch bend, with a little amplification, equals strange. Have a listen:
What I added:
1) A switch to activate the pitch bend
2) A switch to activate the weird bend
3) A potentiometer to control the pitch bend
4) 1/8" output, to sample, amplify, or shape tiny clay cylinders with.
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