Want to buy this? Click here.I bent this one up quick. I think it was supposed to emulate the style of popular mp3 players. It played one song.
Well I bent it up, and now it does some pretty neat stuff. I found the pitch bends in it, but I didn't really want to waste a pot, so I put a capacitor in the pitch bend circuit. When you flip the switch to activate the bend then press play, it plays super fast, maybe too fast to hear, but as you continue to press the play button, the capacitor charges, and the pitch gets lower and lower, until it breaks down entirely.
You can either flip the on/off switch to drain the capacitor, or just wait a minute, or two. All in all I think it is a pretty cool little bend.
What I added:
1)Bend activation switch
2)1/8" output, for amplifying, or sampling
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