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I made this one yesterday, and took some pictures of me doing it as well.The only bend this one has is pitch, but not normal pitch. As you turn the knob, and the frequency gets lower and lower, the sounds start to break down into a jumble of rhythmic squeaks, tones, and a million other sounds.
The reason why I didn't post it yesterday, when I made it, was I didn't know how to record all of the sounds it made. I still don't; so what I did was record a few interesting sounds, and in the future, I might post more.
Good thing about this keyboard is that it has a volume control, which just limits the volts. When the bend is activated this lowers the pitch even more.
What I did:
1) Added a switch to activate the bend
2) Added a knob (potentiometer) to control the bend (pitch)
3) Rewired the 1/8" input (did virtually nothing as designed) to be an output, for sampling, or amplifying.
Volume button:
Snare drum:
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