Wednesday, October 24, 2007

sad news

Unfortunately, my computer went to sleep and didn't wake up a few days ago. I am now using one of the few computers I didn't sell from when I was a vintage electronics/computer salesman. It is a 300mhz piece of garbage running puppy linux, and is capable of virtually nothing, so no videos until the new motherboard and processor I ordered comes in.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I found this embedded youtube player, provided by youtube coincidentally. I will add a label called "youtube", and then if anyone ever wanted to see all of my videos, all they would have to do is click on the label "youtube"

Monday, October 22, 2007

Well I did it! Or bend 11

I am finished with all of the technical stuff with the casio ca-110. I'm sorry it took me so long, and I'm also sorry that I didn't document very well. I get into working, and I can't get out, cause if I do it is definitely possible I would never return to finish.

For those non-believers, here is a video briefly explaining the ins and outs of its functionality. I should make a video tomorrow of it operating.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

#10 Y'all

Click here if you want to practice ownership.

Yeah I just finished it. I actually did most of the work, and put it back together yesterday, but then realized I hadn't put in an output. I used up all my 1/8" jacks, so I put in an rca, or composite, or whatever, out.

It is operated entirely by five body contacts. When you toch them in combination, you get many pitch, and distortion bends.

I mistakenly bought it without realizing the one who operates it might be grateful for a battery cover. You can see my ingenious solution in the second picture. It's a good thing I never throw any useful thing away.

As an interesting aside; the screws which secure the batteries came from a computer desk which I burned a few months ago. It was the kind that had some shelves inside of a cabinet on top. To digress from my aside, I had earlier removed one of the shelves to paint a picture of my mothers dog on it. Back to my original tangent, when I decided to burn it (not because of some dangerous defect in my personality, but because it is the easiest way to get rid of large wooden trash in the country), I didn't want to take the whole thing apart, so in a impressive feat of strength I heaved the thing over my head and threw it some distance. It broke into many, easily incinerated pieces, and I, consequently, hurt my back. You may be asking yourself, "if you broke it so you wouldn't have to take it apart, how did you get the screws?". To that I say, mind your own business.

A sound sample:

What I did to it:

1) Added five body contacts
2) Added an rca output.


I know, it's been a while, but I have no excuse. So anyways, to update those loyal readers, who DO exist, I spent all of a day last week, can't remember which one, trying to bend up the casio ca-110. I failed rather miserably, and so turned to the internet, who didn't have much to say, though I did find this reference to the ca-110:

"I just bought 2 of the CA110. I was kind of disappointed when I opened them up. Just 2 chips. One synth and one amp. I have not bent very much on this kbd yet, but I found that there is a good but very random glitch on the middle top pin of the synth ic. shorting it to one of the other pins. It is random, so you have to sample rather than live perform. I think this is like what one guy calls "shitshot". I found the bossa nova rhythms hilarious and fun to jam with though."

I was able to find more bends than that guy, but I'm generally better than most people. Even so, they weren't extremely satisfying bends. But then I had an idea.

I was out trying to discern what my options might be, when I found an amazing keyboard. I knew it would be more bendable, and so I figured I would make it a module of the bigger casio.

Then another idea hit me. Why don't I feed this stuff through one of those toy voice changers? Wire the output of both keyboards as the input of the voice changer. I have seen a casio filtered through a voice changer, and It did some stuff, let me tell you! So I bought one.

You're updated.

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