This here is a very unique item, which I have named "puff", only cause its housed in a power puff girls tin.
Click here to buy this
You have a switch that turns on the whole thing-a-ma-jig, located on the top of the machine.
Now the interesting part: the knobs. Those knobs are really where the whole thing comes together. Without them, this thing would only be mildly amusing, instead of super... amusing. Turn 'em any which way, and you'll be pitched up, down, right, left, and through dimensions you are too afraid to even question the existence of. Just make sure that once you feel a moderate amount of resistance, you quit turning the knob, cause you might break it (out of pure excitement, not cause they're faulty knobs.
In all seriousness, it is a good little sound maker, which can be sampled from, or played through your other synths, or played straight.
I have included pictures of how one might want to change the batteries, should that ever be an issue.
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